Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Thailand's 1st Interscholastic Student Newspaper


gender equality

Breaking the Barrier for Young Women in STEM

Traditionally, women of Southeast Asia are drawn or guided into less academic professions. However, I knew by the time I was 14; I wanted to become an engineer. When I consider what engineering is, I define it as the application of mathematics and science to solve problems and improve our lives. This concept is non-discriminatory and does not categorize what gender or race you are, but judges individual capabilities to achieve it. However, many female engineers face systemic discrimination and stereotypical beliefs that struck a chord in me.

Can We take Abortion Rights for Granted?

After Roe vs Wade got overturned by the American Supreme Court in June 2022, all countries around the world have been pushed to look thoroughly at their legal situation concerning abortion rights. It was particularly the case in Italy, when the right coalition, who was running for and most likely to win the upcoming elections on 25th September 2022, was known to have controversial— to say the least— opinions on the topic.

Second-Trimester Abortion Legalized in Thailand

Effective October 26th, new regulations allowing abortions up to 20 weeks stipulate an authorized medical practitioner's approval. This change elaborates on the amendment passed on February 7, 2021, which legalized terminating pregnancy within 12 weeks — the first trimester. Mothers who have been checked for health risks and obtained medical endorsement can now have the procedure done at hospitals or clinics. Some appreciate the stretch in freedom; some argue abortions be allowed at any point of the pregnancy period.