Saturday, March 29, 2025

Thailand's 1st Interscholastic Student Newspaper



Day in a Life of a Triumudom Northeast School Student

Raise Your Voice: Third Prize Winner (HS Category)

Yeong yuh Lin As an aspiring artist and Third-Culture Kid, Yeong yuh has lots to share about her journey of self-discovery. She expresses this through...

Raise Your Voice: Third Prize Winner (MS Category)

Jennifer (Jenny) Greenbank  Congratulations to Jennifer (Jenny) Greenbank, the Third Prize Winner (Middle School Category) of our Raise Your Voice multimedia competition! View her submission and...

Raise Your Voice: First Prize Winner (HS Category)

Rena’s submission, entitled Kaleidoscope, is just that - a unique blend of the cultures and experiences that she has been exposed to in her...

Raise Your Voice: First Prize Winner (MS Category)

 From Thai local schools to Singaporean international schools, Chatcha has moved schools five times and lived in a different country. Her experience as a...

Class of 2024: Get to Know Our Freshmen

By Nongnaphat (Pear) Rawara and Tanisha (Nisha) Sukheepod The Union Newspaper Club congratulates all high school students for completing their winter exams, especially the freshmen...