Saturday, March 29, 2025

Thailand's 1st Interscholastic Student Newspaper



Daycare Attack in Uthai Sawan, Thailand

On October 6th, 2022, a daycare was attacked in Uthai Sawan, Nong Bua LamPhu province, Thailand, by former police officer Panya Khamrab. As a result, 37 people died and many more were injured, most of whom were children.

The Problem With “That Girl”

Who is “That Girl”? Back in 2020, when everybody was stuck in quarantine, a sweeping trend resurfaced and conquered millions of for-you pages on social media platforms such as Tiktok, Youtube, and Instagram. Yes, everybody knows “That Girl”. All influencers desperately tried to become her. She wakes up at 5 am every day to meditate and does yoga, only drinks green smoothies and eats salads. She has a luxurious 10-step skincare routine, gets things done and plans ahead. “That Girl” is simply successful and perfect.

Anush Apetyan and Mahsa Amini – Two Women, Two Atrocities, but Only One Story

On the 14th of September, 2022, Mahsa Amini - an Iranian woman of Kurdish ethnicity, was arrested by the Guidance Patrol of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the charges of wearing an “improper hijab.” As an Islamic theocracy, Iran had previously implemented a mandatory dress code for women in 1979, according to Ruhollah Khomeini’s interpretation of Islamic law. Additionally, Khomeini further decreed that women would no longer be allowed to enter the workplace or any government office unveiled, as they would be seen as “naked.”

Let’s Shatter the Menstrual Stigma

What makes menstrual cycles “weird”? After all, it is just a normal body process, right? The National Library of Medicine explains that menstruation “ is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle. Every month, your body prepares for pregnancy. If no pregnancy occurs, the uterus, or wombs, sheds its lining.” But why is it considered to be such a taboo subject in society if it’s only a part of human biological systems?

Breaking the Barrier for Young Women in STEM

Traditionally, women of Southeast Asia are drawn or guided into less academic professions. However, I knew by the time I was 14; I wanted to become an engineer. When I consider what engineering is, I define it as the application of mathematics and science to solve problems and improve our lives. This concept is non-discriminatory and does not categorize what gender or race you are, but judges individual capabilities to achieve it. However, many female engineers face systemic discrimination and stereotypical beliefs that struck a chord in me.

Second-Trimester Abortion Legalized in Thailand

Effective October 26th, new regulations allowing abortions up to 20 weeks stipulate an authorized medical practitioner's approval. This change elaborates on the amendment passed on February 7, 2021, which legalized terminating pregnancy within 12 weeks — the first trimester. Mothers who have been checked for health risks and obtained medical endorsement can now have the procedure done at hospitals or clinics. Some appreciate the stretch in freedom; some argue abortions be allowed at any point of the pregnancy period.

Depression Among Teenagers: Why is it Still Misunderstood?

    In today’s society, mental health has become an acknowledged issue among adults. Several forms of mental issues have been discovered and treatments have been...

Queen Elizabeth II dies at age 96

London Bridge has fallen. After her 70-year reign, Queen Elizabeth II died peacefully at Balmoral Castle at the ripe age of 96 on September 8th; her passing was announced by Buckingham Palace later that evening. Her son, Prince Charles III at 73, becomes King.

How Sustainable is In-Vitro Meat for Our Future?

As years pass, the more problematic the future of our Earth becomes. Factors such as climate change and overpopulation have incredibly detrimental effects on our Earth. Whether it's abnormal weather, loss of biodiversity, or malnutrition, it’s no surprise that our current situation is worrisome. In this article, we will be discussing the implications in-vitro meat could have in our future.

What You Need to Know About Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation, also known as FGM, is an inhuman, gruesome, and painful practice where girls as young as five get their female genitals partially or completely removed, altered, or injured (UNFPA). In many cultures such as in Somalia, this practice is normalized. Girls are pinned down by their “trusted” family members, their legs pulled apart, and the surgical procedure done without any anesthetics or painkillers. In an interview by VICE, a Singaporean FGM explains that the girl’s consent is often not considered in the practice, “The child is an extension of the parent. The parent owns the child and the child’s body.”