Raise Your Voice: First Prize Winner (MS Category)



From Thai local schools to Singaporean international schools, Chatcha has moved schools five times and lived in a different country. Her experience as a youth expat is reflected in her animated submission. Get to know Chatcha as our Editor-in-Chief, Pear, hears from her about the various facets of her identity. Tune in to this exclusive winner’s interview to learn more about this cheerful and talkative feminist, apple-lover, future med-student, illustrator, and animator.


— Editor-in-Chief Manyasiri Chotbunwong (Pear) can be reached at manyasiric23@rism.ac.th

Follow her on Instagram @peary.chot or Facebook Manyasiri Chotbunwong.

Congratulations to Chatcha Sriwanwit, the First Prize Winner (Middle School Category) of our Raise Your Voice multimedia competition! View her submission and watch her Q&A video below:


Email: imchacha101@gmail.com

Instagram: @ch.atcha, @imtea_art

Facebook: Chatcha Sriwanwit