Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Thailand's 1st Interscholastic Student Newspaper



By Dominic “Jamie”  James Stott

A good start

The world is full of surprises and everyone should know that. It was not till last Christmaswhen I found out. I had ever once explored the personality of my friends ,I don’t why I just never had. It’s not like you just come up to your mate and say “ what you like” that just sounds wrong. You have to find out over time . I have this friend, we have been friends for more than 6 years now . We hangout all the time yet we did not know each other well. So when it came to when one had a problem we could not help each other properly. I remember last year I felt like we were drifting apart like a piece of driftwood separated from a tree. So when I came to the point where I wanted to be more involved as friends I just froze and sat there. Suddenly I realized though that was my best friend and they needed me as much as I needed them. So we got back together and slowly started to get to know each other even better than the last 5 years we have had before. We started to see the key parts of us and now whenever I see, think or talk with them I feel warm and comfortable expressing ourselves to the point we would just explode. Now we talk everyday and we enjoy every part of it . We sing, we dance, we do it all and we always feel better together.


You never know what your gonna get,
You just need to make a making of it,
Even when it’s the darkest of hours,
You’ll always feel better.

Nippy wintertime
A heavy, warm feeling singing
because of her

And when the singing
Of the warm feeling
You now hear

You now feel better
Than ever

You never know what your gonna get
You just to make a making out of it


Now that we have now come as friends we have now opened up to others as well. It always feels better together. We have never left each other, never left one to be lonely, never left over a fight we always figure it out. Sure we will have our fights but its not the end of the world we will have a great run to the ends of the world

Submission Rationale

It shows that you that what you discover can drive you away but piece it back together and life finds a way

By : Dominic James Stott-Sukkhum

Raise Your Voice: Exploring Youth Identities Entry