Imagine yourself in the world’s busiest station, Shinjuku Station, in the heart of Japan’s capital, Tokyo. Pushing aside the hundreds of commuters to catch...
Kantian Ethics is derived from the philosopher Immanuel Kant and is a form of Deontological ethics. Deontological ethics is a type of ethical theory that judges whether an action is morally permissible or impermissible by comparing the action to a series of rules and maxims, rather than judging the morality of an action based on consequences, which would fall under the branch of Teleological ethics such as utilitarianism in which an action ought to be done if it creates the best possible consequences.
It is official, London has been ranked the best city in the world by Resonance. This ranking takes into account everyday life, work, and investment. Therefore, even post-Brexit, what still makes London the greatest city in the world? That is what we will try to understand through this article.
Within the menus of fine dining restaurants, you will see a popular, ancient, french delicacy, known as Foie Gras. Foie Gras, translated in English as “fatty liver” is made out of duck or goose liver, many describe it to have a distinct texture and flavor in which it has velvety texture and a meaty, almost butter-like flavor. As appetizing as it sounds, many do not know what goes into the process of creating the unique characteristics of the Foie Gras we know and love.
There are numerous languages in the world. They are the symbol of diversity and unity. A language is a country’s identity. It is what creates a bond between its citizens just like a shared history and traditions. Nevertheless, the impact of languages on society is too often underestimated. They are mostly seen as a way to communicate and exchange information, but rarely as a real tool for a country’s soft power across the globe. In this article, I will explain why languages have more influence than it seems and how they can be a real advantage for a country.
As I walked past fascinating displays of various, eclectic collections of different styles of Thai art at a museum, one of Thailand’s theatrical cultures that most captivated my interest was the art of Khon.
“There was something about the intricate, glittery fabric and the powerful voice of both the narrator and the Thai-style music that drew my interest. Furthermore, every element of the art reflected the creativity and the rigorous hours that were put into curating each immaculate scene to illustrate the story of Ramakian.”
Swifties are again swept off their feet as Taylor Swift’s lead single from the Midnights album dropped this Friday, with an inclusive video premiere....
Even when most of the analyses I write are surrounding music, I would say that the field in which I have the most knowledge and experience in analyzing are stories. No matter what piece of art I’m analyzing I tend to focus on the narrative side of it and what it’s trying to convey; after all, my first approximation with writing was creating short stories so that I didn’t get bored in school. And when it came to reviewing my first heavily story-based art piece for the newspaper, I couldn’t have chosen a better one than the first season of Bojack Horseman.
As years pass, the more problematic the future of our Earth becomes. Factors such as climate change and overpopulation have incredibly detrimental effects on our Earth. Whether it's abnormal weather, loss of biodiversity, or malnutrition, it’s no surprise that our current situation is worrisome. In this article, we will be discussing the implications in-vitro meat could have in our future.