Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Thailand's 1st Interscholastic Student Newspaper

Luanne Poh

THE UNION IS RECRUITING! 2023-24 Academic Year

Calling all existing and new members! Sign up now to join The Union's 2023-24 Staff. New members: sign up to join as a staff member Existing members: sign up to renew your interest in The Union, and apply for executive positions if you're interested CLOSES OCTOBER 1, 2023 (Sunday)

the stars in our sky

  the stars in our sky a million stars in the night skyi know you won’t tell me whybut something’s making you crya million stars live...

Raise Your Voice: First Prize Winner (HS Category)

Rena’s submission, entitled Kaleidoscope, is just that - a unique blend of the cultures and experiences that she has been exposed to in her...