Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Thailand's 1st Interscholastic Student Newspaper

Khwanchanok (JiaJia) Paka-Akaralerdkul

Foie Gras: A Controversial Delicacy

Within the menus of fine dining restaurants, you will see a popular, ancient, french delicacy, known as Foie Gras. Foie Gras, translated in English as “fatty liver” is made out of duck or goose liver, many describe it to have a distinct texture and flavor in which it has velvety texture and a meaty, almost butter-like flavor. As appetizing as it sounds, many do not know what goes into the process of creating the unique characteristics of the Foie Gras we know and love.

A Deep Dive on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

It is no secret that there is a correlation between mental health and suicide. The thing about suicide is, there are a variety of reasons and triggers that can cause one to take their own life. Many of these reasons however, relate to our mental wellbeing. As humans, we have all experienced some type of negative life event or feelings of frustration and despair. These negative emotions can heavily contribute to our mental health, raising the question: How do we focus on our mental health to prevent the risk of suicide?

Let’s Shatter the Menstrual Stigma

What makes menstrual cycles “weird”? After all, it is just a normal body process, right? The National Library of Medicine explains that menstruation “ is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle. Every month, your body prepares for pregnancy. If no pregnancy occurs, the uterus, or wombs, sheds its lining.” But why is it considered to be such a taboo subject in society if it’s only a part of human biological systems?

How Sustainable is In-Vitro Meat for Our Future?

As years pass, the more problematic the future of our Earth becomes. Factors such as climate change and overpopulation have incredibly detrimental effects on our Earth. Whether it's abnormal weather, loss of biodiversity, or malnutrition, it’s no surprise that our current situation is worrisome. In this article, we will be discussing the implications in-vitro meat could have in our future.